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小新Talkshow: Ox out, Tiger in! 生肖来贺岁 嘻哈Fun乐中国年!

2022年01月31日 20:35 来源:中国新闻网  作者:

  新年喜气传万家,老牛老虎玩嘻哈;辞旧迎新过春节,英文饶舌拜大年!小新祝大家新的一年“红红虎虎”, “All healthy, all good”! (牛爷工作室、指尖工作室联合制作)

  As the Chinese New Year is coming, it’s time for the zodiac animals to shift duty. What would the Ox and the Tiger say about their jobs and the position? Yo, everybody! Here they are.